In the news

First off, another woman has been stoned to death in Somalia by Islamist rebels. This barbaric practice has to end. In this case the eager crowd were told the victim was submitting voluntarily but clearly saw her struggling to prevent being bound before being buried up to her neck and slain.

She was pulled out three times to see if she was dead, witnesses said. When a relative and others surged forward, guards opened fire, killing a child…Relatives of the woman executed in Kismayu, whom they named as Asha Ibrahim Dhuhulow, were furious. “The stoning was totally irreligious and illogical,” said her sister, who asked not to be named. “Islam does not execute a woman for adultery unless four witnesses and the man with whom she committed sex are brought forward publicly.” Islamist leaders at the execution said the woman had broken Islamic law. They promised to punish the guard who had shot the child in the melee around the execution.”

From Reuters

EDIT – with thanks to Cath Elliot for letting me know on this one – apparently the victim was a 13 year old girl who had reported being raped by three men. See here for more.

Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was accused of adultery, but sources told Amnesty International that she had in fact been raped by three men, and had attempted to report this rape to the al-Shabab militia who control Kismayo. It was this act that resulted in her being accused of adultery and detained. None of men she accused of rape were arrested. She was detained by militia of the Kismayo authorities, a coalition of Al-shabab and clan militias. During this time, she was reportedly extremely distressed, with some individuals stating she had become mentally unstable.

In Dallas, MRA groups are up in arms over bus shelter adverts which firmly locate violence against women as being perpetrated by men. The group who paid for the adverts, The Family Place has been vilified as “man bashing” because of these posters. The Family Place is a domestic violence organisation which provides all round support including feeding children and providing basic household goods like toothpaste.

I will beat my wife

My husband will kill me

Also in the US, the Feminist Majority Foundation reports that women are being charged more for medical insurance providing identical benefits to them and their male counterparts. In some cases 49% more than their male counterparts. In the US this is legal based on a sex discrimination clause which takes into account the costs of maternity care – but that doesn’t explain why this research found those differences for policies which exclude maternity care.

On popular culture, anyone considering a lunchtime offering from Subway should watch this video which continues to argue women should consider their food choices in terms of food and body guilt.

And in the UK, Oxford Reclaim the Night is getting some good press coverage – if you are local, do go!

And finally, over at Blog Her Mir Kamin has come up with the perfect, must-have christmas present for all women. Time (and she ain’t talking the magazine).